Academia Cidadã
Academia Cidadã is an organization that aims to put the climate crisis at the center of the political debate in Portugal and to encourage the Portuguese civilian population to take action against global warming. They organize events in local institutions for and with socially disadvantaged communities to support them in advocating for better public transport and climate justice.
Why we support Academia Cidadã
Academia Cidadã’s Linha Vermelha (Red Line) project involves people with no experience of activism in particular in the movement for climate justice. They encourage people to knit red lines that symbolize the LIMIT of 1.5ºC of global warming. At their events, they use interactive and informal educational methods to better involve people in the topic. They organize knitting actions on the street, so-called “knitting radicals”, where they knit in public spaces to mobilize and involve new people.
- Project: Klimaschutz
- Country: Portugal
- Funding period: 2024
- Funding amount: 30,000 Euro