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Climatestrike Switzerland

Klimastreik Schweiz (Climate Strike Switzerland) is an association of teenagers and young adults who are fighting for a radical shift in environmental and climate policy. They have decided not to remain silent about the catastrophic effects of the climate crisis but instead to put pressure on policymakers and call for science-based action on climate change.

Why we support Klimastreik Schweiz:

Klimastreik Schweiz organises demonstrations, conferences and other events to express their demands and fight for their, and our, future. With their SMILE Summit in the summer of 2019, they are seeking to connect the local groups that have formed through the “Fridays for Future” movement and develop a common strategy, because the climate crisis can only be solved by working together!

We have been supporting Klimastreik Schweiz since 2019.

  • Project: Climatestrike
  • Country: Switzerland
  • Funding period: 2019
  • Funding amount: 15,000 Euro