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World Rainforest Movement

The World Rainforest Movement (WRM), based in Montevideo, Uruguay, is an international network of environmental organisations, social movements and NGOs that support small farmers and indigenous peoples. The WRM works worldwide to protect rainforests for the traditional forest dwellers who rely on them for their livelihood and to defend the rights of these groups in opposition to destructive projects.

Why we support the World Rainforest Movement (WRM)

Forests and the biodiversity they contain must be preserved. The WRM facilitates the networking among local communities and indigenous peoples committed to protecting the forests that are closely connected to their identity, culture and way of life. Their rights are routinely violated when forests are destroyed by industrial logging and mining, converted to monoculture plantations, cattle pastures or flooded for large hydro reservoirs while the designation of forests as protected areas or carbon stores often disregards local land and use rights and prohibits traditional forest use. 

We have been supporting World Rainforest Movement since 2015.

  • Project: Land utilization
  • Country: Uruguay
  • Funding period: 2022
  • Funding amount: 20,000 Euro